I was honoured to visit another local school at the end of 2023.
This was a big group of year one, split into two groups.
The children were excited to have an author from Kenya visit them since they were studying about Kenya!
I was pleased to hear them tell me about Kenya's favourite dishes and the diverse cultures!
The children had also learnt a Swahili song and were thrilled to sing the song to me!
This was magical! The children also enjoyed learning a new Swahili song based on "Sungura the Runaway Rabbit", which works well in deepening the Swahili words and phrases in a fun and engaging way.
The children had many questions regarding my author's journey, but some wanted to know my age and whether I had a car! I love children as they are sincere and straightforward!

I can honestly attest that being an author is the best thing I have ever done, but doing author visits makes my journey even more exciting and rewarding!
I look forward to the next exciting school/nursery visit!